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Compiling html

Inside of the directory of the project, run puf build. This will take into account the the config file and build html to the output directory.

Config file​

Every Pufferfish project needs a pufferfish.toml file.

The minimum config file looks like this:


Here is a complete config file with all possible settings and their default values:

html_dir = "html"
template_dir = "templates"
output_dir = "output"
dev_dir = "output" # Default: set to `output_dir`
pretty = false
minify = false
verbose = false

method = "default" # values: (default | onepass)
minify_doctype = true
ensure_spec_compliant_unquoted_attribute_values = true
keep_closing_tags = true
keep_html_and_head_opening_tags = true
keep_spaces_between_attributes = false
keep_comments = false
minify_css = true
minify_js = true
remove_bangs = false
remove_processing_instructions = false

port = "8080"